Using Catalog Items

Using Catalog Items: You can work with catalog items in a number of different ways, such as previewing the original image, copying the image to a document, editing the image (in the parent application), rotating the thumbnail if appropriate, relocating the original image, and more.



To use a catalog image in a document: If the application allows drag and drop, simply drag the image to the open document window and drop it there. If the application does not allow drag and drop, open the item Preview window. Mac OS: Choose “Select All” [Command+A]. Windows: The item is selected automatically. Copy the image to the Clipboard [Command+C (Mac OS) or Ctrl+C (Windows)], then Paste it into the document [Command+V (Mac OS) or Ctrl+V (Windows)].

To access other item options, choose them from the Item menu.

Tip for Mac OS QuarkXPress Users: To drag and drop catalog items to QuarkXPress documents you will need to install QX-Drag&Drop, a free XTension from Extensis that is included on the Extensis CD.